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    What is Digital PR and How Can It Improve Your SEO?

    Climb Online
    What Is Digital Pr

    Traditional PR and Digital PR share the same goal: to engage your audience and build buzz around your brand. Digital PR specifically does this through the creation of unique, well-crafted content that will be outreached and shared to relevant online publications, encouraging them to write about that content and link back to it. 

    When used correctly, Digital PR can be a powerful link-building strategy that feeds directly into your SEO. A single, well-crafted campaign can garner dozens or even hundreds of relevant backlinks, dramatically and cost-effectively boosting your website’s organic growth. 

    Below, we explore how digital PR campaigns can supercharge your SEO, and some of the key things to bear in mind.

    How Digital PR Works?

    As any brand or business knows, if you want your customers to find you, you need to rank well for the search terms relevant to your sector. This means getting your page towards the top of the search results when users Google specific keywords and phrases. 

    Digital PR campaigns generate relevant coverage through engaging creative assets. The idea is that journalists will link back to your website as an informational source, and these backlinks will serve as a vote of confidence in the eyes of Google. For each authoritative, relevant site that links back to yours, that vote of confidence is further increased, granting your own website more authority, and allowing it to climb organically in the rankings. 

    Optimising Your Keywords

    Good SEO relies on solid keyword research. Identifying the terms your potential customers are using when searching for products or services like your own is vital to solid SEO. As well as generating quality backlinks from trusted sources, the use of Digital PR in your SEO strategy also gives you an opportunity to integrate your keyword research into the creative assets you will be using.  

    Including these relevant keywords within your unique content ensures that the piece is fully optimised, contributing directly to a wider SEO strategy.  

    Increasing Authority

    Google assigns websites a rating of between 1 – 100, and this gives some indication of how well your page will rank in the search engine results. The higher this score, the higher your ranking is likely to be, and the more visible you become to your target audience. 

    Digital PR campaigns are a vital component of gaining backlinks from established, high-authority websites, and help to signal that trust to Google, thereby raising your own domain authority score. 

    Creating Content Campaigns

    Content campaigns are where Digital PR really comes into its own, being one of the best ways to generate sought-after backlinks and improve your sites reputation as a trusted source of information. 

    Though they can be time-intensive, a content campaign relies on creating a unique, highly linkable asset that utilises data, analysis and insights. This type of content is highly desirable to journalists within the relevant sectors, and they are likely to link back to your campaign landing page, netting you those backlinks and increasing your SEO. 

    Telling Stories

    Along with longer, data-driven content campaigns, Digital PR also uses shorter, story-driven content to refer to newsworthy or seasonal content and topics. This type of content is often quicker and easier to produce, encompassing things such as listicle-style articles, and can certainly be integrated into a wider content campaign. 

    The key point here is that this type of content, though not as in-depth as a full content campaign, is still highly relevant to your audience, and therefore, relevant to your target publications. 

    Why Begin Digital PR?

    Link-building is one of the core tenets of a successful SEO strategy. If your own SEO strategy doesn’t include Digital PR, you are missing out on a great way to build traction, gain links, and increase rankings organically, while also building authority and awareness of your website.

    If you’d like to discuss how Climb Online can help you create killer Digital PR campaigns for your brand, get in touch.